
Investing Calculators

Personal Finance Calculators

  • Net worth calculator

    Net worth is a calculation that subtracts everything you owe from everything you own. This calculator can help you determine your net worth and how it can change over time. Get started

Taxes Calculators

  • Federal income tax calculator

    Enter your filing status, income, deductions and credits into this federal tax estimator for help estimating your total taxes. By entering this information, this free and simple federal tax calculator will help estimate your tax refund or amount you may owe the IRS. This is not a complete tax calculator. Get started

  • Marginal tax calculator

    Use this calculator to help estimate your federal marginal tax rate, average income tax rate, and tax bracket for the tax year shown below. This is a very simplified calculator that will help with your federal marginal tax rate estimation for unexpected income, retirement planning, or investment income. Get started