BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT ORGANIZER:MAILTO: DTSTART:20240718T170000Z DTEND:20240718T174500Z LOCATION: , UID:20240629T125800Z_12b45c35-57db-4164-aac8-ebfbd57106a1 DTSTAMP:20240629T125800Z SUMMARY:Seminar: Major Changes to College Search in 2024 DESCRIPTION:This past year has resulted in some of the most significant changes to the college planning process in decades. · Admission trends have changed around how colleges admit students · Schools have made ACT/SAT optional, but not necessarily when they award scholarships, and some colleges are going back to requiring standardized tests · The number of schools on the “more selective” list continues to grow · Substantial changes to the FAFSA and financial aid may make college more expensive Join us as national college expert, Cozy Wittman from College Inside Track presents on learning how these changes may impact your family, and new strategies to consider to give your student the best opportunity to be admitted and maximize scholarships and financial aid. If you are the parent of a high school student in grades 9-11, this is incredibly important info you will not want to miss. Please plan to join the Microsoft Teams event to listen in and view the presentation. Click Here to Register PRIORITY:5 CLASS:PUBLIC END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR