BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20241026T140000Z DTEND:20241026T180000Z LOCATION:4234 Delemere Blvd Royal Oak MI, 48073 UID:20240916T190700Z_7aee336f-f73a-4378-9639-6bd4fed3d26f DTSTAMP:20240916T190700Z SUMMARY:Fall Festival DESCRIPTION:Fall is in the air with the changing of the leaves, crisp mornings, cozy fires, and delicious apple cider. Ferhadson & Associates wants to celebrate the season by celebrating YOU! We invite you, your friends, family, and all the kids to join us for a very special family friendly fall festival! It is because of the support of our clients that our practice is able to grow, and we want to take an opportunity to show our appreciation. We are proud to have our friends at Lansat CPA Group join us in our celebration of our wonderful clients and their families! PRIORITY:5 CLASS:PUBLIC END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR