BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20240926T160000Z DTEND:20240926T163000Z LOCATION: , UID:20240919T211800Z_e7a59e2c-1090-4b80-bd2f-48babd45b7cd DTSTAMP:20240919T211800Z SUMMARY:September CWP Money Matters DESCRIPTION:Please join us on Thursday, September 26th for a 30-minute virtual presentation as our advisors share a market update and important considerations to keep in mind as we approach the end of 2024. If you know a friend or colleague who may be interested in this event, please feel free to share this opportunity and invitation with them. We look forward to having you join! NOTE: There will not be access to your camera or microphone. This presentation will not be recorded. No need to register in advance; simply join the meeting using the access link above when the meeting time comes. PRIORITY:5 CLASS:PUBLIC END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR