We all know the story. A diagnosis is given and before you know it, the outcome is realized.
How would you spend your last days?
Would it be getting everything in order or would it be talking about all the memories of life lived so far.
Sadly, we too often see people scrambling to ensure all is in order and the final days are a whirlwind of organizing for the survivors. In between the process of trying to learn all that needs to be accomplished, let alone understand, there may be doctor appointments, hospice coordination, and family that suddenly wants to visit after 20 years of no contact.
Do you know what to do when you are about to be financially responsible for everything? Financially and emotionally removed from the person with whom you either shared decisions or upon whom you relied solely for decisions?
Make no bones about it, this is meant to shake you into action. Itis meant to get you to react and meet with your comprehensive financial planner and estate attorney. To review all is in order so that, should your family get word that time is running out, you can choose to spend it in the way that leads you through your loss where grief turns to memories, tears of sadness to contentment of a life shared, and the comfort that your family can move forward through the hurt to the confidence that a future does exist.
If you need to act, please do so. If you experienced it yourself, tell others not to wait. Clip this article and share. Forward from your computer. Don’t be the one who said, “I should have.”
Read more articles by Matt Hanna