
Retirement Calculators

  • Social Security calculator

    Social Security benefits can be an important factor to consider in your future retirement income. Use this Social Security calculator to estimate what your retirement benefit amount could be. Get started

  • Retirement planner

    Do you feel confident in your progress toward a secure retirement? Use this calculator to gain insights into what your financial picture could look like in retirement. Get started

  • Roth IRA conversion calculator

    Use this calculator to see how converting your traditional IRA to a Roth IRA could affect your net worth at retirement. Learn more about the differences between traditional and Roth IRAs. Get started

Investing Calculators

Personal Finance Calculators

  • Enhanced loan calculator

    If you are considering a big purchase, you may be thinking about taking out a loan. Use this calculator to see how different loan factors could impact your finances. Get started

Education Calculators

  • College savings calculator

    Saving for a child’s higher education is one of the bigger investments many will make. Use this college savings calculator to help understand how much to save to reach your goals. Get started

Taxes Calculators

  • Federal income tax calculator

    Enter your filing status, income, deductions and credits into this federal tax estimator for help estimating your total taxes. By entering this information, this free and simple federal tax calculator will help estimate your tax refund or amount you may owe the IRS. This is not a complete tax calculator. Get started

  • Savings, taxes, and inflation calculator

    Various factors can have an impact on your savings over time. This savings withdrawal calculator can help you gain an understanding of how your savings can be affected by taxes and inflation. An Ameriprise financial advisor can provide personalized advice to help you feel more confident about your saving goals. Get started