
Personal Finance Calculators

  • Mortgage refinance interest savings calculator

    If mortgage rates have shifted since you bought your home, you may be thinking about refinancing. Use this calculator to find out if you could save on interest if you refinance your mortgage. Get started

  • Credit card pay off calculator

    Use this calculator for paying off your credit card to see how changes to your monthly payments and other factors can impact your repayment timeline. Get started

  • Net worth calculator

    Net worth is a calculation that subtracts everything you owe from everything you own. This calculator can help you determine your net worth and how it can change over time. Get started

Education Calculators

  • College savings calculator

    Saving for a child’s higher education is one of the bigger investments many will make. Use this college savings calculator to help understand how much to save to reach your goals. Get started

Taxes Calculators

  • Savings, taxes, and inflation calculator

    Various factors can have an impact on your savings over time. This savings withdrawal calculator can help you gain an understanding of how your savings can be affected by taxes and inflation. An Ameriprise financial advisor can provide personalized advice to help you feel more confident about your saving goals. Get started