Past events

Understanding Medicare: The ins and outs of Medicare Coverage


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Rick Nahill, Business Development Director – John Hancock Investment Management - Affiliated

Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC

One of the critical parts of an individual’s total financial picture is health insurance. While most of us have that through work, there will be a time when we will have to make decisions about health care in retirement. Even if you are retired now, there are decisions to make every year, and we are here to walk you through the process. Join Ameriprise Financial on Thursday, September 21, 2023, at 4:00 PM ET to learn more about the ins and outs of Medicare coverage.

Our guests peaker Rick Nahill is a Business Development Director with John Hancock Investment Management. Rick has acquired more than 25 years’ experience in the financial services industry. He served as a retirement plan sales associate for two years before being promoted to his current position in 2016. He was the business development director for 3 1/2 years in Southern California before moving backto Boston in August of 2019. Rick earned a BA in economics from Trinity Collegein Hartford CT. Rick will cover the following in our time together:

  • Medicare Parts and When to Enroll
  • Medicare Costs
  • Medigap
  • Medicare Advantage
  • Working past sixty-five

Register now for January's Guide to the Markets & Economy in 2023


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Russell Price & Liz Farley, Russell Price, Chief Economist, and Elizabeth (Liz) Farley, Vice President – Federal Government Affa - Affiliated

Ameriprise Financial Services

Mark your calendar for Thursday, January 26th at 4:00 PM ET to join us for a “virtual” complimentary webinar featuring two of our thought leaders, Russell Price, Chief Economist, and Elizabeth (Liz) Farley, Vice President – Federal Government Affairs. They will discuss the potential legislative, regulatory, market, and economic impacts.

Russell is frequently quoted in TheAssociated Press, Fox Business, Bloomberg News, Business Week, and Reuters and has appeared in many other national media outlets. In addition, Bloomberg Financial has cited him as a “Bloomberg Best” for being one of the mostaccurate economic forecasters in their benchmark consensus survey.

Liz represents the company’s federal legislative and regulatory interests before Congress and the Administration. She has previously held positions in Federal Government Affairs at New York Life and the industry trade association for broker-dealers, the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA). In addition, Ms. Farley worked in the U.S. Senate as Counsel at the Senate Special Committee on Aging and as a staff attorney for the Bipartisan Commission on Entitlements and Tax Reform.

This is an informational event. There is no cost or obligation.

Investment products are not insured by the FDIC, NCUA or any federal agency, are not deposits or obligations of, or guaranteed by any financial institution, and involve investment risks including possibleloss of principal and fluctuation in value.

How to Maximize Social Security Benefits


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Mary Beth Franklin, CFP™ Professional & Contributing Editor at Investment News - Not Affiliated

Professional & Contributing Editor at Investment News

Mary Beth Franklin will be our guest speaker for this event. She is a Contributing Editor at Investment News specializing in Social Security, Medicare, and Retirement income. She has been a financial journalist for more than 40 years, covering everything from federal budget and tax policies as a Capitol Hill reporter for United Press International to consumer finances as a writer and editor at Kiplinger's Personal Finance magazine.

Mary Beth became a Certified Financial Planner™ professional in 2015 and is an in-demand speaker at conferences for financial professionals as well as a frequent guest on numerous radio and television programs. She is the author of “Maximizing Your Social Security Retirement Benefits” and host of the Retirement Repair Shop podcast.

In this session "How to Maximize Social Security Benefits", You will learn how your lifetime earnings and age at time of claim determines the amount of your Social Security benefits; why married couples should coordinate their Social Security claiming strategies; understand critical survivor benefit rules for widows, widowers and surviving ex-spouses; and discover do-over strategies to reverse an early claiming decision and increase future benefits.

Disclosure: This is an informational event. There is no cost or obligation.

This is an informational event. There is no cost or obligation.

Mary Beth Franklin is not affiliated with Ameriprise Financial.

Investment products are not insured by the FDIC, NCUA or any federal agency, are not deposits or obligations of, or guaranteed by any financial institution, and involve investment risks including possible loss of principal and fluctuation in value.