Crosby Wealth Advisors

Quality and Excellence

Pursuing Quality and Excellence in what we do. We take a detailed and customized approach to helping clients achieve their specific goals. We do not settle for the standard approach. Results matter and our effectiveness feeds the excellence we provide.

Integrity and Honesty

Our actions are guided by integrity and honesty in our advice to ensure that our clients’ interests come first. Clients can be assured that we will proactively communicate with them, listen to them and work to further their best interest.

Experience and Wisdom

With over 80 years of combined experience, each one of our team members are financial professionals who excel in their individual roles, who work collectively as a team to make us stronger. We use our unique knowledge, skills and resources to ensure that we are detailed and effective with the financial advice we provide.


We center our work around helping our clients feel financially confident and empowered. We are confident in the advice we provide to our clients because of our experience and knowledge we have gained through various recessions, bubbles, recoveries, and economic cycles.


We lead clients on simplified yet comprehensive path to achieving financial independence. We are intentional with our communication with our clients, so they are fully informed and understand each part of the process.


We listen and genuinely care about clients and their unique goals.


Team photo for Crosby Wealth Advisors
Team photo for Crosby Wealth Advisors

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Jeffrey Michael Crosby


Private Wealth Advisor

Chartered Life Underwriter®
Visit Jeffrey Michael Crosby's website

Chris Wille

Financial Advisor

Operations Director
Visit Chris Wille's website

Christopher D Stacey

Financial Advisor

Investment Manager
Visit Christopher D Stacey's website

Damon Darby


Financial Advisor

Visit Damon Darby's website

Scott Cornett


Financial Advisor

Visit Scott Cornett's website

Kenton Chadwick

Financial Advisor

Visit Kenton Chadwick's website

Ali Rajabi

Associate Financial Advisor

Visit Ali Rajabi's website

Kayla Manore

Associate Financial Advisor

Visit Kayla Manore's website

Austin Henderson

Associate Financial Advisor

Visit Austin Henderson's website


Suzanne Montoya

Suzanne Montoya

Client Service Manager

Ken Butdorf

Ken Butdorf

Financial Planning Specialist,

Danene Vanderwel

Danene Vanderwel

Client Service Manager

Melissa Brown

Melissa Brown

Executive Assistant,

Marketing Manager
Alana Miller

Alana Miller

Client Relationship Manager,

Operations Manager
Lori Spinosa

Lori Spinosa

Event Planner

Erin Schrag

Erin Schrag

Client Service Manager,