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What Women Want from Their Wealth

After 33 years of financial services experience and countless investment-related conversations with women. I think I know what women want from their wealth. Women are clear about what’s important to them:

1. Financial Security

2. Financial Independence

3. Fulfillment of aspirations and personal agendas

4. A portfolio reflective of their values

To most women this is not news. But to the industry it is different from simply getting good investment returns. What is news is that we are more comfortable expressing what is important to us … now if only the investment professional is paying attention! Is yours?

Financial security is measured by the ability to maintain a quality of life with a high probability of success in longevity of assets. It will mean something different to each person I ask. For some it is the ability to stay in their home and for others it is the ability to live their envisioned life to its fullest. What does it mean to you?

Financial independence is different from security. It is the ability to make autonomous decisions and execute to strategies with the realization of future successes and acceptance of failures. It is not having to ask for help or depend on others. This independence may even be strengthened after a life transition such as losing a spouse or experiencing a divorce. It can sometimes lead to self-fulfillment beyond expectations. Are you experiencing a transition?

The realization of aspirations from raising children to satisfying advocations to make a difference in your own life or the lives of others is a badge we will wear with pride. It isn’t about the dollars and cents of success. It is about the impact. Achieving personal goals is about intentional living and impactful actions.

Women prefer to be authentic and will make value-based decisions – from choosing careers that are family-friendly to investing according to their personal preferences. This can be as focused as investing only in companies or products that meet their values or the overall strategy of aligning values, goals, and risk tolerance for a well-diversified portfolio. Would you like to learn more about this?

Why do women work with me? Because I acknowledge their personal desires and respect their needs without judgment. My clients find our relationships authentic and transparent. It is a refreshing difference. Call to take advantage of a complimentary initial consultation and see the difference.

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