• Understand IRA options

    Learn the pros and cons of a rollover and how an IRA could help you achieve your retirement goals.
    See your options
  • Financial confidence

    See where you stand across key financial areas with the 3-Minute Confident Retirement® check.
    Take the check
  • What we do

    We offer personalized financial advice based on your goals and provide an upfront overview of costs.
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Background and qualification information is available at FINRA's BrokerCheck website. | Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC Client Relationship Summary Disclosure.

Financial Planning is About More Than Just Money!

We believe financial planning is a lot like owning a sports team. If there’s no one coordinating the team members, they will do what they do best individually, but lose as a team. Why? No one knows what the other’s game plan is.

At Cornerstone Financial Strategies, we understand people try to hire the best professionals (attorney, CPA, financial advisor, etc.) at what they do; but often fail to have them communicate as one team with the same goal—your desires and values. This is why at Cornerstone Financial Strategies, we offer values-based (what’s most important to you), comprehensive (corralling all the pieces of the puzzle) financial planning. Since we believe money is not the most important thing in life, we focus on your custom, personalized strategies that will take into consideration your most important goals aligned with your most deeply held values.

All this with Cornerstone Financial Strategies’ unprecedented level of service!

Find out how you too may start living your ideal life!

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No two retirements look the same

When you think about retirement, do you envision yourself being an Explorer, Nurturer, Creator, Connector or Doer?

Take the Ameriprise® Retirement Profiles quiz to discover what type of retiree you’ll be. You’ll receive a personalized retirement profile that we can use to help you plan a meaningful retirement.