
Retirement Calculators

  • Required minimum distribution (RMD) calculator

    The IRS requires that you begin withdrawing a minimum amount from some types of retirement accounts once you reach a certain age. This is known as a required minimum distribution (RMD). Use this calculator to determine the amount of your RMD. Get started

  • Social Security calculator

    Social Security benefits can be an important factor to consider in your future retirement income. Use this Social Security calculator to estimate what your retirement benefit amount could be. Get started

  • Net unrealized appreciation (NUA) calculator

    Taking an in-kind distribution from your employer's company stock retirement plan and contributing it to a taxable investment account could change how it is taxed. Use this NUA calculator to see whether this option could benefit your retirement savings. Get started

  • Roth IRA conversion calculator

    Use this calculator to see how converting your traditional IRA to a Roth IRA could affect your net worth at retirement. Learn more about the differences between traditional and Roth IRAs. Get started

  • Retirement income calculator

    Use this calculator to find out how much monthly retirement income your savings could generate for you in retirement. See how adjustments to your annual savings, rate of return and retirement age can impact your monthly income. Get started

  • Rollover evaluator

    Wondering if you should roll over money from an employer retirement plan — like a 401(k) or 403(b) — to an IRA? The rollover evaluator can help you learn the pros and cons with just 10 simple questions. Use your results to inform your decision and to have a discussion with your Ameriprise financial advisor about reaching your retirement goals. Get started

  • LTC inflation calculator

    The calculator projects future long-term care costs based on the current daily cost of care, how soon you’ll need coverage, the length of time you’ll need coverage and inflation. Get started

Investing Calculators

Taxes Calculators

  • Savings, taxes, and inflation calculator

    Various factors can have an impact on your savings over time. This savings withdrawal calculator can help you gain an understanding of how your savings can be affected by taxes and inflation. An Ameriprise financial advisor can provide personalized advice to help you feel more confident about your saving goals. Get started