Our Mission
Provide financial and investment advice to help people feel more confident and in control of their finances.
What We Do
We help our clients answer the questions and make the decisions needed to simplify and balance between living today, planning for the future, and being prepared for uncertainty.
Core Beliefs
The foundation for our advice is a Christian worldview. The perspective is one of stewardship – we are managers, not owners. We believe biblical principles are transcendent, and therefore always relevant.
There are five financial principles we strive to follow. Spend less than earned, give generously, avoid debt use, build liquidity, and set long term goals. Also, there are five areas of life that are uncertain, have financial implications, and should be prepared for: emergencies, markets and economies, tax environments, health, and longevity.
Having this perspective, following these principles, and preparing for these areas of uncertainty, leads toward feeling more confident and in control of your finances and ultimately having financial peace of mind. This frees you to focus your time and energy on what is most important in your life.